by Encompass
New Opera Theatre
Special performing opportunities for young singers and musicians
Encompass' Young Artist/ Education Outreach Program Presents
Vignettes from The Consul
by Gian-Carlo Menotti
About the Opera
THE CONSUL, an opera with words and music by Gian –Carlo Menotti, won both the Pulitzer Prize in Music and the New York Drama Critic’s Circle Award. Hailed by The New York Times at its Broadway opening on March 15, 1950, as “an opera…written from the heart with a blazing sincerity and a passion of human understanding….it is torn out of the life of the present-day world, and poses an issue which mercilessly confronts humanity today.” Indeed, the opera remains as timely today as when it was written seventy years ago, taking on a renewed relevance for contemporary audiences.
Gian Carlo Menotti wrote THE CONSUL in response to news reports and personal encounters he had with refugees fleeing Europe after World War II. He dramatized the despair, risk and loss of immigrants, and his own experience as an American immigrant with Italian citizenship labeled as an “enemy alien” during World War II.
Meet the Cast and Creative Team of
The Consul
Dr. Michael Eisenberg, Music Director/Pianist
Nancy Rhodes, Director
Andis Gjoni, Sets and Costumes
Click on Photos from the Performance

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