The Astronaut's Tale

The Astronaut's Tale
The Astronaut's Tale

The Astronaut's Tale
Launched January 28-31, 2016 for 5 Performances
Directed by Nancy Rhodes &
Conducted by Nicholas DeMaison
At BAM Fisher (Fishman Space)
321 Ashland Place, Brooklyn, NY 11217
Breathtaking images of the galaxies and outer space ignite a modern tale of a young man's fascination with the cosmos and his dream of flying to Mars. His adventure is guided by a mysterious stranger who challenges his views on creation and fuels his desire to become an astronaut. Romance and a compelling drive to succeed catapult his blast off into space, transforming his life. Stunning projections, an exciting percussive score, and gorgeous vocal music give us a luminous glimpse of a multi-dimensional universe and the majesty of outer space.
Thur. – Sat., Jan. 28-30, 2016 at 8 p.m.
Sat & Sun, Jan 30-31, 2016 at 3 p.m.

Eapen Leubner

Lianne Gennaco

Frank Basile

Christopher Vettel
““…piquant score ... by composer Charles Fussell. … The imaginative use of percussion evoked faraway galaxies … effectively directed by Nancy Rhodes.””
Encompass New Opera Theatre honored MICHAEL J. MASSIMINO, former NASA Astronaut, current Engineering Professor at Columbia University and Senior Adviser for Space Programs at Intrepid Museum, as Leader in Space Advancement on Opening Night, January 28th.

Michael J. Massimino, Nancy Rhodes, & Eapen Leubner

Christopher Vettel, Eapen Leubner, Nancy Rhodes, Michael J. Massimino, Lianne Gennaco, & Frank Basile
Featuring engaging post-performance talkbacks with the cast and guest astronomers from Columbia University!
Zephyr Penoyre, doctoral student, January 29th
Joe Patterson, Astronomy Professor, January 30th evening, on “How Astronomical careers are born and how astronomical fascination is born.”
David Helfand, Chair of Department of Astronomy, January 31st on “We Are Made of Star Stuff”
Listen to FQXI's radio interview about The Astronaut’s Tale here.

Musical Conductor Nicholas DeMaison &
Artistic Director Nancy Rhodes