On November 15th, 2023, we were honored to bring the powerful story of Sister Dorothy Stang on tour! With her perseverance, courage, and environmental awareness, Sister Dorothy Stang’s compassionate devotion to saving the rainforest and its people is vitally important today. Encompass Theatre performed Angel of the Amazon by Evan Mack at Notre Dame Academy in Hingham, MA for students of Emmanuel College and four Notre Dame Academy high schools in their 800 seat theatre!
Interested in bringing
Angel of the Amazon
to a theatre near you?
“The Angel of the Amazon is a truly inspiring story that I think everyone should get to know. It showed me that no matter who you are, or what you are going through, you should always work your hardest to help the people who need it the most.”
“I felt like I was right there with Dorothy Stang as she faced adversity. The performance was captivating and informative.”
Special Thanks for their Generous support of ANGEL OF THE AMAZON TOUR:
Kathleen M. Colin,
Executive Director of Sponsorship
US East-West Province,
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur
Sister Patricia Loome
Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur,
for the Ohio Province Leadership Team
Many Thanks to The Academy of Notre Dame de Namur Staff:
Annemarie Lynch Kenneally, President
Meaghan Roache, Vice Principal of Mission and Ministry
Derrick Costa, Director of Technology and Infrastructure
Christopher McNamara, Facilities Manager
Abigail Russell, Theatre Teacher
Amanda Zani, Visual and Performing
Arts Dept. Chair
Ted O'Reilly, CFO
The opera is based on the true story of Sister Dorothy Stang, an American born member of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur order, who devoted her life to helping rural farmers and indigenous families of Brazil gain land rights, as well as protecting the Rainforest. In 2005, this 73-year-old nun was murdered by assassins hired by the owner of a logging company. It was her sacrifice and commitment that launched a global movement to save the rainforest.
Under the direction of Nancy Rhodes and musical direction by Richard Pearson Thomas, composer-librettist Evan Mack’s Angel of the Amazon is an operatic portrayal of a devout soul who was assassinated for her convictions. Mack was inspired to write the work after attending a lecture about Sister Dorothy Stang. “Dot,” as she was called by all who loved her, was a Roman Catholic nun of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur, and a staunch crusader for environmental justice and opposition to deforestation.
“I was thoroughly surprised with how much the Angel of the Amazon would resonate with me. The opera was unique, entertaining, and educational, and it allowed me to become more familiar with Sr. Dorothy Stang’s story.”