Angel of the amazon 2022
November 10-13, 17-20
The Sheen Center | Frank Shiner Theater
“The death of the forest is the end of our life”
– Sister Dorothy Stang
The Rainforests are
the heart and breath
of our planet,
evocative of the Tree
of Life, symbolizing
the eternal connection
of air, light, water,
and earth in harmony
with the people of the
Angel of the Amazon
is based on the true story of Sister Dorothy Stang, an American missionary who devoted forty years to helping the indigenous farmers and families of Brazil gain land rights and to protecting the Rainforest. In 2005, this 73-year-old nun was brutally murdered by assassins hired by the owner of a logging company, who felt her passion for the Earth and all of its gifts to be a threat. Angel of the Amazon depicts her life's work and the events that set her on a path to martyrdom.
A modern musical story of strength, devotion and sacrifice, was produced by Encompass New Opera Theatre, in 2011, at the Baryshnikov Arts Center. It is now being developed by Encompass for touring, to bring vital awareness of the importance of preserving the Amazon Rainforest, considered to be the lungs of our planet. Angel of the Amazon is a centerpiece of the Encompass Paradigm Shifts Festival, that honors people around the world who are preserving our Planet and is dedicated to bridging indigenous cultures and knowledge, women's wisdom, and environmental-social justice issues that explore our place in the universe.
““ inspiring account of what it means to take a stand against the forces of greed and corruption which still remains a deadly threat to our planet and to an ecosystem which we are a part of–not separate from.””
meet the cast and artistic team
“May the message of this work be carried out of the theater and on to the streets.”
”Nancy Rhodes direction was simple, but effective as was the choreography by Caitlin Belcik. The imaginative sets by Andis Gjoni and lighting by Chris D’Angelo set the stage””
“Angel of the Amazon is certainly a compelling story, and this production’s virtues lie in the simplicity of its telling. The small cast and three-person band elevate each detail and poignant musical choice to a level of prescient social commentary that would make Sister Dorothy Stang proud.”
Read the full reviews here!
Special thanks to the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur and our generous patrons for providing vital support for this production and the tour!
Front Row (l to r): Sister Mary Alice McCabe; Sister Maria Delaney
Back Row (l to r): Nancy Rhodes, Evan Mack, Sister Kathleen Harmon, Mark Watson, Kominko